SO2R SINGLE OPERATOR 2 RADIO - Contesting what's needed by VK3PAPage 1Here at VK3JA we use a mix of commercial es home brew. The main control unit is HOME BREW BAND DECODER x two TOPTEN DX DOUBLER, DUNESTAR 600 BPF x two HOME BREW COAX STUB FILTER x two The coax stub filter switch is a 6 WAY COAX SWITCH with DIODE matrix switching for selecting coax stubs 1 or multi cables to suit the band in use. For a SO2R setup we need 2 of BAND DECODERS, 2 STUB FILTERS ES 2 ANTENNA SWITCHES. Here at VK3JA our members have designed a 6 way coax switch for selecting the stubs for use on each of the bands 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 es 10m. These switches can also be used as REMOTE ANTENNA SWITCHES: by removing the DIODE matrix and placing in links for the required bands. Also we have a BAND DECODER which can select up to 4 circuits on each contest band, 1 BPF, 2 STUB FILTER 3 AMP,4 ANTENNA. So in our setup we use 2 FT920 plus a separate setup for 160m ft100mkv es hb amp.
Antennas are mono band for all bands hf.